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by Julie, David and Alex Brooks

Polite notice. All designs are copyright protected. I hope you will be inspired by my designs but please do not copy them. Thank you.

Monday 21 November 2022

News from Logpile Studio

Hello there,

How are you? It's been a while.

So, summer was, at times, blisteringly uncomfortable, but we got through it, topping up our pond when we could and only watering the plants which desperately needed it, including our tomatoes and cucumbers, such was the shortage of water from lack of rain. Sadly, my father passed away in July, so it's been a difficult time for all of us, as you can imagine. And now summer is almost a dim and distant memory and we've endured six weeks of very grey and often very wet days, with not much sunshine. Our water butts are all full and we wish we had several more! Each time it rains now I just think "what a waste of water!". And the temperatures are dropping into single digits now we're into November, so it's time for extra layers and plenty of hot drinks to keep us warm. The glorious golds, red and oranges of autumn are beginning to disappear as the trees lose their leaves ready for winter slumber. And we're now fully focused on Christmas, which is only 5 weeks away! Yikes!

Here at Logpile Studio we have a selection of new items for you, including lovely ceramic Christmas Tree tealights, pretty sparkly ceramic heart coasters and ceramic sparkly star hanging decorations, all of which I carefully painted and varnished, and David has just finished working on another beautiful set of coasters, and some wooden star-shaped tealight holders which are gorgeous! Here's a sneak peak!

A few of our handmade items including Christmas tealights, decorations and more

Head over to our Folksy shop - here's a link: https://folksy.com/shops/LogpileStudio - and check out all these new lovely things and all the other great items we have available, and treat yourself, or someone else!

See you soon!

Julie x

Wednesday 16 March 2022

Mixed Media pieces now available to buy!

Hi everyone

Wow! Is it really the middle of March already? Where does the time go?

I hope you're all keeping safe and well.

It's as hectic here as ever, with our new online craft supplies store A Crafty Pause launching a few weeks ago and full to the brim with paints, stencils, stamps, papers and more, so I haven't had much time to make anything. However, I finally decided to be brave and add some of my mixed media pieces to my collection for sale on Logpile Studio, so do head over and check them out and perhaps treat yourself, or someone else. They are unique one-off pieces and I'm very proud of them all.

Here's one of them:

I will be back soon with more new pieces to share with you but in the meantime, take care.
